LASER Treatment for ACNE Scar|CO2 Fractional and MNRF Laser - Dr. Deepak P Devakar

LASER Treatment for ACNE Scar|CO2 Fractional and MNRF Laser - Dr. Deepak P Devakar

LASER Treatment for ACNE Scar|CO2 Fractional and MNRF Laser - Dr. Deepak P Devakar

We specialize in CO2 fractional resurfacing laser and micro needling radio frequency (MNRF) procedures for scar resurfacing. This treatment is particularly effective for addressing acne scars, accident scars, stretch marks, and other long-standing scars.

The procedure typically takes about half an hour to one hour. To ensure comfort, we apply a topical anesthesia cream to numb the skin. The actual procedure lasts only about 5 minutes, and within 30 to 45 minutes, the entire session is completed, allowing you to resume your daily activities promptly.

Post-procedure care is essential. We recommend using a mandatory sunscreen, especially as the treated area is sensitive to laser exposure. Avoid sun exposure for the next five to seven days. Use a high SPF sunscreen generously on the treated area. Employ a mild cleansing lotion for the face, ensuring it is soap-free to gently cleanse without excessive lathering.

Moisturizing is crucial in the aftermath of the procedure. Apply a moisturizer frequently to promote healing and minimize any rough sensations. Following carbon dioxide fractional resurfacing laser, small brown dots may be visible, creating a rough texture. However, these dots typically clear within five to seven days, and the skin returns to its normal appearance.

For optimal results, multiple sessions may be necessary, with each session contributing to scar improvement and a reduction in scar depth. Following a session, avoid sun exposure and major social occasions for one to two weeks. Regularly use moisturizer and abstain from parlor activities or the application of night creams in the days leading up to the next session.

If you have any queries or concerns, feel free to reach out to us. Thanks for choosing Demoscope Skin and Hair Clinic for your skincare needs.

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